01732 808 626 info@thinkcbt.com

01732 808 626 info@thinkcbt.com

01732 808 626 info@thinkcbt.com

Your Recovery Starts Here.
We Have The Right Therapist For You

Think CBT makes it easy for you to access affordable therapy from clinical experts, either online or face-to-face, from YOUR choice of hundreds of trusted therapists - at a time that suits you most.

7 days a week

Prices start from just £85
per 50 minute session


Our CBT therapists are…

Experts in dealing with multiple mental health struggles including anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, loneliness, life adjustments, neurodiverse issues and more.

Specialists available in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), EMDR, family therapy, relationships, CAMHS & Children & Young People (CAYP).

What We Offer

Virtual & In-Person

Remote online appointments & face-to-face across the UK

Free Introduction Call

Free 10 min intro call with your therapist to ensure you are comfortable before treatment starts

Trusted Therapists

Trusted by the NHS, educational facilities, and corporates

Flexible Scheduling

You can work with the clinician in terms of the regularity of the sessions that fits your lifestyle and your budget


93% achieve recovery or see distinct improvements

Variety Of Treatments

Multiple types of treatment available depending on your needs, including EMDR, counselling, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

I hadn’t realised how closely my physical symptoms and my level of background anxiety were linked. This [Think CBT therapay] has helped me get back to myself again and establish a more balanced approach at work and home. It’s easy to get wrapped up in problems when the pressure is on. I can’t recommend Think CBT highly enough.


I have regained control of my anxiety and I can now deal with things that happened in the past without the terrifying side effects. Don’t suffer in silence. I would recommend Think CBT to anyone with PTSD


I did it, screw emetaphobia! Thank you so much for helping me, you've literally changed my life.


Working with you has been one of the most significant and positive experiences of my life so far. I truly appreciate everything you have taught me.


I feel relieved from such a heavy weight, I am able to provide for my son without fearing as much for the future, and I now feel more confident in myself to cope with difficult situations.


Thank you for helping me finally get my life back.


Appointment Request

Please complete the following details and a member of our team will contact you to discuss therapy options. We can normally organise therapy within two working days of your enquiry.

Discount for Video-based appointments only. Face-to-face bookings are available in some areas subject to availability, however the referral code discount only applies to Video-based therapy

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