01732 808 626 info@thinkcbt.com

01732 808 626 info@thinkcbt.com

01732 808 626 info@thinkcbt.com

Penn State Worry Questionnaire
Please take a moment to complete this questionnaire.
Time Remaining
I prefer to respond anonymously:

1. Trigger / Intrusion: What was the situation, feeling, intrusive thought or image that triggered the health worry?
2. Initial Reaction: What initial feelings, physical sensations and reactive behaviours did I notice?
3. Health Worry: What obsessional thoughts, doubts or worries did I get caught up in?
4. Cognitive Distortions / Thinking Errors: Which of the following cognitive processes amplified the worry?

5. Checking, Safety and Reassurance Seeking Behaviours: What did I do to attempt to control or avoid the health worry?

6. Effectiveness of Checking, Safety and Reassurance Seeking Behaviours: How effective are these attempts to control or avoid health worry and uncertainty?

7. Alternative Response to the Health Worry: What helpful, workable and sustainable action can you take in considered response to the health worry?
8. Acceptance / Willingness: What uncomfortable thoughts, feelings and sensations are you willing to experience in the service of your personal values and goals?
9. Purpose: How will this help you to be present, take perspective and do what matters in the face of the health worry?